Rules and Regulations

1. It is a responsibility of your to inculcate good culture and good habit of eatables in your ward.
2. Pay attention towards the arrival and departure time of your child. If your child comes late to school, he/she will be sent back to home.
3. One day before coming to school, please make sure that your ward has a proper dress up, complete bag (according to time table) etc.
4. To make sure that your ward does not have mobile phone and any kind of sharp object in his/her bag. Otherwise it will be taken and kept in the school. If the mobile phone will be captured twice than it will be destroyed and the responsibility will lies to the parents.
5. No student will come to school by bike. Don't allow your ward to go to school by it.
6. If you don't attend P.T.M. then your ward will not be allowed inside the campus until you don't contact to office.
7. Please pay attention towards the examinations and their result that held in the school as it will give positive impact on your ward.
8. If you change your address, please inform to the school along with mobile number otherwise written correspondence will be difficult on behalf of the school.
9. Your signature is important on diary, leave application and I.D. Card.
10. If your ward is absent three days in a month and two days regularly without prior notice to the school, fine will be charged.
11. If your ward is found doing indiscipline behavior, he/she will be rusticated from the school for ten days and he/she will be re-admitted only when you will contact to the school. If this type of behavior is being repeated more than twice than his/her name will be stuck out from the school permanently.
12. Be aware of the friends of your ward so that he may not be a part of bad company.
13. If your ward is taking extra-classes or help from any other teacher after the school time that make sure about the timing and contact to the concerned person time to time.
14. Teacher of the school will visit the home time to time to know the school progress and homely environment of the ward. So please give the right information and don't hide any information from the teacher. For the overall successive development of your ward, it is necessary for the school to get right information.
15. If Parents or Guardian want to meet teacher in working hours than come after 1:30.